High and Dry: Colorado Roofing Trends That Withstand the Test of Altitude

High and Dry: Colorado Roofing Trends That Withstand the Test of Altitude

If you plan to buy a home in Colorado or live here already, you know how harsh the weather can be. From extreme temperature variations to strong winds and hail, Colorado homeowners need a reliable and durable roofing system that can withstand the test of altitude. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular roofing trends in Colorado, including metal roofs, impact-resistant shingles, tile roofs, and green roofs, and what makes them stand out in the region.

Parker roofers

Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are becoming increasingly popular in Colorado due to their resistance to extreme weather conditions. They can withstand heavy snow loads, high winds, hail, and fire, making them a smart investment for homeowners who want a reliable roofing system that requires minimal maintenance. Metal roofs are also energy-efficient, which means you can save money on your energy bills by installing them. Plus, they come in various colors and styles, so you can choose a design that complements your home’s aesthetic.

Impact-resistant Shingles

Hailstorms are a common occurrence in Colorado, and they can cause severe damage to roofs. That’s why impact-resistant shingles are another popular roofing trend in the region. These shingles are specially designed to withstand severe weather conditions, including high winds and hail. They are more durable than traditional shingles and can last for up to 50 years. Additionally, insurance companies may offer discounts for homes with impact-resistant shingles, making them a smart investment for homeowners looking to save money in the long run.

Tile Roofs

Tile roofs have been around for centuries, and for a good reason. They are incredibly durable, energy-efficient, and can last up to 100 years. Tile roofs are an excellent choice for Colorado homeowners since they can withstand high winds, hail, and fire. Additionally, they are available in a range of colors and designs, so you can find the perfect tile roof that complements your home’s aesthetic and architecture.

Green Roofs

Green roofs are a relatively new trend in Colorado, but they are quickly gaining popularity among homeowners. Green roofs are eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and can significantly reduce your home’s energy bills. They are also excellent for the environment since they absorb carbon dioxide, reduce the urban heat island effect, and filter pollutants from the air. Green roofs can last up to two decades when correctly installed and can even increase your home’s resale value.

If you’re a homeowner or plan on buying a home in Colorado, investing in a reliable and durable roofing system that can withstand the region’s harsh weather conditions is a must. Metal roofs, impact-resistant shingles, tile roofs, and green roofs are all excellent options that can provide durability, energy efficiency, and improved home value. Contact your local Parker roofers to learn more about which roofing system is best for your home.